Thursday, June 19, 2014

Mike Gallagher on Bias

This morning Mike was condemning anti-Semites as creeps, and he was utterly justified in condemning them.

Then the thought occurred to me that anti-bigots have been railing against anti-Semitism for decades, and it never really seems to subside and disappear. Indeed, the resurgence is well underway.
I then asked myself: why do anti-bigootry campaigns fail to work?

First, bigotry of any kind grows out of inner loathing and selflessness. Being basically depraved, we all naturally feel bad about life and ourselves. Subsequently, we look for scapegoats inside our group, or belonging to a different group to despise, look down on and to maltreat.

Second, we are born into and live our lives in groups. We never are allowed to self-realize, which would lead the vast majority of people to love themselves and feel good about life. With so many positive things going on in our heads, the inclination to know and act upon residual biases all but withers away.

Lucifer hunts in packs those that Sa loathes and discriminates against. Satan's selfishness stemming from his pure self-loathing impels him to be bigoted against anyone outside of his immediate clique. To lose the bias, reject Satan and his group living.

God hunts down no one. God's near perfect self-love enables De to feel enormous love for others. God is calm, untroubled and at peace with Deself and the world, so thoughts and feelings of impartiality come natural to De's psyche. The concept of bigotry is alien to De. God, our greatest Individualist, is without animosity or the inclination to attack anyone to relieve internal stress.

Work for God. Work at becoming a developed individuator. These two approaches, if adopted by the majority of people, will make it a rare thing for bigotry to appeal, let alone catch hold and be implemented. That is how to make anti-Semitism evaporate.

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