Monday, February 23, 2015

Exodus, Chapter 29

Yahweh describes the procedue which he wishes for the Hebrews to follow in consecrating their priests.

As one who reads my books would know, I believe that Mavellonialism, for its adherents, would be 7 billion faiths of one follower (parishioner) and one leader (each man or woman would serve as his or own priest and priestess), all wrapped up in the same believer.

That end is to eliminate ecclesiastical hierarchy (where groupism is writ large, and the individual is severely curbed), the abode of Satan and Lera.

Where there are seven billion faiths with seven billion churches, this radical Protestantization (each believer does his own communicating directly with the Father and Mother) of faith allows for maximizing  spiritual living, loving and enjoyment of personal liberty while expressing one's faith.

So become your own priest, Mr. Citizen. Become your own priestess, Mrs, Citizen. Consecrate your life of individuation by offering it as your gift to the Good Spirits. Your gift will be received by them with pleasure and much anticipation.

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