Friday, February 20, 2015

The Thunder Bay Carpenter

This carpenter and his wife were on the shuttle, a month ago, headed for Mexico or some exotic, warm spot.

He was a conservative and very pro-American. He flatly asked me if I was anti-Obama because I am a racist.

I said no, his radical, anti-American--he hates America--Marxist leanings are what I despise.

He said he like American activism. He said he notice things were more fast-paced here. He understood as an entrepreneur-contractor that capitalism fosters mobility, sheer working energy, activity, industriousness, individualism and hustling.

He admired the vibrancy of the capitalist system, not weighed down so much as in Canada by government regulation and red tape.  He noted that things were more slow, more sluggish back home.

If we back off government and unleash capitalism, the market will create wealth and prosperity for all, the only redistributionist system that works, grows wealth for all, and grows the economic pie, a race to the top, not a horrific Obamaesque race to a poor, miserable bottom.

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