Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Stalinists

Mark Levin laid it out well last night. He pointed out how McConnell and his wimpy rhinos are about to fund illegal amnesty, Executive Amnesty, as part of the DHS bill.

He pointed out the the Democrats are identical to big government, and it is identical to them. They are fanatics, Marxists, that want total power, to hell with worries about bankrupting the country or shredding the Constitution and the American Way. Forty million foreign voters voting socialist for the next 30 years will keep them running the government for decades.

They all vote as one voice. They are without dissidents. One party rule and fanaticism are their game. This is why they totally support incompetent, evil, America-hating, corrupt, stupid Obama. They will willingly sacrifice democracy and liberty, and betray the middle class and all voters, in order that their domestic Fidel Castro can deliver them the Marxist Ameritopia that they so crave, and may be able to bring about, due to surrender in advance byMcConnell and the Washington Republican Establishment that seek statism too.

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