Sunday, February 15, 2015

Living With It Is Not A Bad Second Best

I have had diabetes for 10 years, and with exercise, diet, herbal medicine, medical care and the intercession of the Good Spirits, I am doing well. Being cured of it would be best, but this is not a bad second best.

I have had arthritis in my left knee for 2 or 3 years, but lately it is really flaring up. With diet, exercise, folk medicine, medical care and the intercession of the Good Spirits, perhaps I can learn to live with it and make it manageable. That would be a great victory. The cures for the types of athritises would be preferred, but coping while healthy, strong, active and rather pain free is not a bad alternative.

If we could learn to be skilled telepaths, perhaps we could dial down our physical pain so we can cope with physical suffering. Of course, we do not want to be numb to all pain, for that is nature's warning system to us that something is physically wrong and must be addressed immediately.

It could be that life's afflictions are sent to us to humble us, to teach us limits, to caution us that Nothingness awaits us, and because Fate decrees that some suffering and setbacks are to be allotted out to each human being--some more and some less.

Our time may be better spent not seeking to eradicate suffering--we should if we have the means and skill to do so--so much as to control suffering, converting it to serve as a vehicle for driving us further down the road to individuation. This is creative fatalism; accepting what life hands us, and then working to self-perfect in spite of, or by means of utilizing what life has handed us.

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