Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Great One Warns

Levin was on fire last night, warning that the Obama Administration, crony capitalists, and the Left ravage and shred the Constitution, imperiling all.

For without civil society, without the separation of powers, without the rule of law, we will die as a people and culture. Why is this happening? It is unraveling while the federal bureaucrats are lawmaking, Obama is lawmaking, and the Courts are lawmaking.

They are all law-breakers, spreading fascism, socialism, centralized federalism and tyranny that flouts the Constitution, erodes individual liberty and opportunity.

They are doing illegal things, immoral things, wholesale. Their actions are unconstitutional and violate natural law, those unalienable rights granted humans by God.

No government, anywhere, has the right to deprive the people of their Constitutional and natural rights.

This includes India, Kenya, Brazil, America, France, China, ISIS and Algieria.

This is why we must kills ISIS extremists. This is why we must arm and fight on the side of Ukrainians against the invading Russian facsicist Putin. This is why we need a strong navy to keep China from taking over the high seas, and then the whole world.

We need to be the world cop, not to gain money, slaves, dominion or territory. We must spread the American Way everywhere, or at least avail local people everywhere the opportunity to know hope, prosperity, Mavelllonialism, liberty and their natural rights under their version of a US-style Constitition.

It will require a Congress of statesperson with bark on to get this done, to order around and delimit a Conservative President in 2016.

They all must be directed by and answer to a proud, independent, activist, guiding, in-charge conservative majority of supercitizen American voters, part Christian, part Mavaellonialist, part lawful anarchist, part capitalist, part-National Association of Gun Rights and part-Tea Partyer.

These supercitizens will get the borders closed, end illegal immigration, end dual citizenship, strongly limit and guide legal immigration, enforce Constitutionalism and allow no internationalists, multiculturalists, to withstand the protection of American sovereignty within these borders.

All immigrants must assimilate or go home. None can be on welfare. They must learn English. They must swear an allegiance oath to the American Way, for we need not traitors or 5th columnists in our midst, sabotaging and grow Leftism, Obamaism and statism.

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