Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Quote

"It is good to believe, but it is not good to believe without pause."

This view is a direct quote from my book, Notes For A New Age, Volume 2, the volume that I am reediting this winter.

I wish to share it with readers because it goes to the heart of my belief system. Father and Mother and the Good Spirits define and identify moral and spiritual goodness as the middle way of seeing, believing and living in the world.

In light of this radical Islam and non-radical Islam need to modernize and moderate. They really do not need to much change their dogma or principles to come into compliance with what the Good Spirits command us to do.

They need to moderate their practices towards Islamic believers internally, and external unbelievers.

What must be discarded is jihad (unholy religious war). Holy religious war is justifiable but it should be rare and defensive.

What must discarded is the willingness execute apostates and resistant unbelievers.

What must be discarded is intolerance of and violent push back against free speech, even blasphemy.

What must be discarded is the extension of a caliphate and shariah law around the world by force, for this form of theological totalitarianism, and religious empire building leads to the most vicious kind of cruel excesses.
 Acceptance of democracy and capitalism are other moderating influences that would modernize Islamic nations, give the young people freedom and prosperity.

What must be discarded is the uncivil society in exchange for a civil society leading to constitutional republicanism and lawful anarchism.

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