Thursday, February 19, 2015

Heartless Barak

Levin was expressing amazement the other night over Obama's sociopathic inability to commiserate with those in pain, being tortured, butchered and suffering horribly.

I am not amazed. I think I know why Obama is so heartless. He is a Marxist fanatic, a pure ideologue, and that makes him a pure groupist, although he wants to lead the pack as Dictator-in-Chief.

Such a brittle, hollow man has no soul left; his soul is an empty shell. To tranform into such a repulsive, selfless creature of utter self-loathing is to reduce himself to being a thing. A thing regards all other people as thing too. Their cries for help fall on his deaf ears for he no longer cares for himself or anything else. Such a man is capable of vicious cruelty, and a scary indifference to maltreatment of others.

A solid, complete, practical yet idealistic man of temperance and good judgment. He is a self-loving individual He esteems himself. Because he care for and about himself, he is able to understand that others suffer too, and his motive is to eliminate or reduce access to what injures them.

He will do what he can to alleviate bad conditions at work in the lives of others. He will not settle for some glib remark in front of the teleprompter while running to catch his limousine, to play another round of golf.

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