Saturday, December 9, 2017

Jus Soli

The place of a child's birth can no longer be the place of the child's citizenship. The citizenship of the child must be the citizenship of the parents (jus sanguinus), especially illegal aliens. These DACA dreamers, 800,000 strong must go home. With chain migration, accepting them means they can bring in 10 to 15 million more immigrants that we do not want and cannot afford.

All these immigrants are socialists and liberals, and they will vote Democrat and keep America a socialist dictatorship for 150 years. Open borders and too generous conditions for both legal and illegal immigrants are wrecking America, turning it into a Third World, fascist cesspit.

To continue the decline and destruction of America, the only hope left for our troubled world, keep borders open, send not illegal aliens home, do not enforce immigration walls, do not end legal and illegal immigration, and do not build the wall along our southern border.

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