Sunday, December 3, 2017

Political Correctness

Now they are considered law-breakers in California, not to reference 3rd gender persons by the right gender-neutral pronoun. When did insanity take over and common sense leave United States? We are in serious trouble.

The Left, not liberals, is an angry, grievance-filled, hating mob whose power-lust in bottomless. They play this game if identity-politics for everyone. If you do not mouth the party-line, act and think like them, then you are hopelessly racist, bigoted, unjust, selfish, materialistic, environmentally destructive, sexist, racist, classist, fascist and a xenophobe.

You have to cede more more ground to them to stay liked, to stay popular, to stay morally progressive. The more ground you give, the angrier and more outraged they become. You can never repent enough or surrender enough or be sensitive enough because you are American, white, and God help us a straight male.

True believers loathe themselves, the world and everyone in it. Their lives are consumed with hate, revenge and power lust. In the name of compassion, not being prejudiced, and in chasing after elusive social justice goals, they get power over everyone one, all over society, in every crevice of their body, in every aspect of their lives. This usurped power is given to the federal beast. The government will own all property, all people, and have utter say over how each person lives or thinks.

This  nightmare end, this Ameritopia, is the utopia sought by politically correct people. A nastier and more vicious group of people dedicated to the destruction of America is hard to conceive of.

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