Sunday, December 17, 2017

The False Bemoaning

12/12/17: I, like most conservatives, increasingly distrust anything the Left and the Left-wing media tell us about anything. With their 24 hour onslaught of fake news, bombarding people continually, they lie to the masses, brainwash them and guilt them into silence, group think and submission to the official New York Times view of the world, its narratives, its wording, its characterization of people, and its definitions, all lies, all distorted.

Today the Start Tribune carries a, surprise, surprise, article from the New York Times by Laurie Goodstein. The article: How to recover from that Roy Moore ride?. The article is about evangelicals, and how the Alabama Senate has hurt the Christian faith. She refers to some remarks by Mark Galli (editor-in-chief of Christianity Today), bemoaning that Christianity in America has no integrity left, and that none will believe a word they say for a generation.

Well, Hilary is a serial liar, and people believe her all the time with new lies heaped on top of the old ones, so I would not worry about Christianity being too damaged by the Alabama Senate election.

White evangelicals--about 80%--supported Roy despite accusations of racial and religious bigotry, misogyny and assaults on teenage girls. Remember these evangelical intuitively distrust outsiders coming in to tell them how to vote, and they realize--even if they do not articulate it in words--that Leftist growing government subjugates every Alabamian with misogyny, racism, religious bigotry, and abuse of all citizens of all ages by increasing totalitarianism, and reducing each citizen's natural right to maximum liberty without government control or interference in their personal lives.

Let us provide context: the Democrats are wicked, bitter, vengeful fanatics growing one party socialist tyranny by expanding further a bloated federal monster further eroding what personal liberty that each individual in Alabama, Christian and non-Christian, black and white still retains. McConnell took out Mo Brooks, so the Republicans were left with poor quality candidate Roy Moore, because the Republicans RINOS in Washington destroyed electable Mo Brooks. The Tea Party evangelicals and others conservatives there were stuck with Roy Moore because Luther Strange was a stooge for the federal senatorial RINOS.

Then the Washington Post used Soviet-style dirty tricks a month before the December election to smear and destory Roy Moore. Who knows if the Democratic Party was behind holding onto the stories of those women that went public until just before the election to destroy Moore. Now, that is non-evangelical, wicked, dirty politics from the Left, and, maybe illegal. Would the Post, Star Tribune and Times care to comment on how such evil practices does discredit the Press and the Left and Swamp-dwellers with the voters out there who are tired of corrupt, lying, bossy elites directing or seeking to direct their lives, and deprive them of their traditional values, in Alabama, and increasingly everywhere?

 Evangelicals in Alabama, once Brooks was destroyed by Swamp-dwellers, and the corrupt Press knee-capped Moore 3 weeks before the election, had to make the Hobson's choice of voting for Moore or voting for socialist and purveyor of federal evil, Doug Jones who loves abortion and hates gun rights. They voted for the lesser of two evils, but the RINOS and national Left, did sinned greatly in forcing evangelicals into such a quandary. Let Galli and Goodstein understand the wickedness permeating the overall context of this fiasco, before laying blame at the doorstep of the Evangelicals.

The Left is salivating for the the Evangelical movement to collapse and disappear. They tackle all that is American, conservative, good, godly and tradition: they want it destroyed to make room for the Marxist dictatorship that they have in store for America in 40 years. They never cease working towards that goal. If they can eliminate the American Way, then they keep the world in darkness, poverty, and suffering too.

These secular Marxist believe that they are safe from any otherworldly repercussions in their proud atheism, but they are but front men and front women for Satan and Lera. Satan's proudest accomplishment occurred as modern humans came to believe that he does not exist. If you do not believe that your enemy exists, and you cannot name him or not allowed to name him, then there can be no effective opposition to his taking over the world. The mortals sins of the Left are greater in magnitude of order than the relatively petty sins of Roy Moore, actual or alleged.

I hope that Evangelicals will join Mavellonialists in a real Tea Party movement to save America, and bring back living free under the federal Constitution.

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