Saturday, December 2, 2017

United We Can

United We Can. That is an ad I saw on a piece of mail this morning, and it got me reflecting: the underlying message is that collective power is greater than individual power in isolation, where the agent acts on his true.

This is only true on the lowest, most instinctive level of human existence. On that level of group-living and non-individuating for 99% of adults, a natural trend that has not changed for 250,000 years, collective power is more powerful and effective than individual power exerted by an unaffiliated person.

Now, let us transform our world--and within 100 years we will--a world in which 96% of citizen adults individual-live and are individuators. In that world, individual power is way more powerful than collective power, at least of the old group-living, nonindividuator type.

Still, the united power of a confederacy of inividuated, individual-living citizens, acting in concert in the future, will be an inspiring and occasionally fearsome event to witness.

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