Friday, December 21, 2018

Better Than Nothing

A person that is unpopular, on the lower rungs of a social hierarchy, is still an individuator. They will forsake an individuating friend to retain their social standing, for they see a marginal group life and acceptance as infinitely superior to and preferable  to living rejected and without social status, as a pure outsider, an active, successful, scorned individuator.

This instinctive, universal human setup, transcending all generations and all societies, for me is proof of a spiritual origin of the instincts and passions that drive social behavior. The selfless, grouping behavior is proof of a dark power that drives such conformity.

That a few, rare individuals, individuating, will go against the group, against the community, forsaking all social rank and esteem, to do their own thing in communion with God calling them to leave the group, to leave the comfortable, warm social setting to slowly levitate, on the way to heaven as a living angel--this is spiritual and biological proof of an existing God.

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