Sunday, March 3, 2019

Give The Devil His Due

The Left has no or few good ideas, but lots of bad, destructive ones. The trouble is that they are arrogant, self-righteoun, extremist, convince that they know best for all. They seem themselves as noble, compassionate, wise and selfless/ They regard themselves as intellectually, spiritually and morally superior to the masses and to conservatives. They regard themselves as the wise, select few, that elite of philosopher kings that should run everything the way that they see fit, crushing any opposition as all are told to submit, obey and be ruled by them and their government functionaries, their subordinates.

They are excellent and cunning at a few things:

1. They know how to whip up their base, to get out the vote and win elections.
2. They are able to convince a majority of voters that America is hopelessly rotten, and that only an radical Left-leaning departure from traditional values and structures is the morally and politically acceptable for America going forward. By whipping the majority into an outraged, infuriated, misdirected and scared majority, they can bring in demagogue politicians, and eventually set up one-party rule here, their true and only actual objective.
3. They are brilliant at negative campaigning: smearing, character assassinating, and utterly destroying any conservative opponent to kill all opposition, and to send an intimidating message to other upcoming dissidents and conservatives that similar abuse and vicious mistreatment is their just desert for standing against the Progressive juggernaut.
4. As Marxist fanatics, as true believers within the Progressive mass movement, they have no selves. They are completely united as voters, as legislators, as jurists, as academics, as clerics, as actors and journalists. All conform. All think alike and groupthink is the price of utter loyalty. They have left behind their blighted selves in exchange for being absorbed into the belly of the Leviathan beast for which they would gladly lay down their lives. They all mouth the same memes and stick to the same narrative.
5. In favorable or unfavorable political cycles, they attack, always attack American and Western institutions, structures and values like freedom, capitalism, the right to bear arms, civil society, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, individualism and life under a constitutional republic. They are always on offense. They never seek bipartisanship. They never compromise. They accept no loyal opposition. They are at total war with Republicans, conservatives and anyone else that stands in their way to acquiring absolute power and total victory. Their incredible unity is the source of their power, and they are going for the gold medal, totalitarian control of America in every aspect of its existence.
6. They have the certain appeal of fanatics: they and their allies are all good, all-wise and all-correct all the time, everywhere. Their enemies are all-bad, all-wrong and all lying all the time. These enemies are beyond salvation. They need to be utterly destroyed and wiped out. Whites at some point in the future will be wiped out as a race.

That their whole ideology is foolish, wicked, dangerous and economic suicide is a reality and truth that they are unable to every recognize, let alone listen to.

Because Americans are still not group-living than individual-living, because they are emotional more than rational, because they are basically evil within a socialist movement promoting social, economic and political groupism, selflessness and classless communitarianism, because they love lies and not the truth, because they prefer socialism to capitalism, because their prefer slavery and tyranny over self-determination and liberty, we are in grave danger that Leftism may yet topple the American Way, and become the law of the land.

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