Saturday, October 22, 2022

Last Gasp

 One of the indications, that the Democrats are soft-tyranny Marxists bent on remaking America in their image, has been their consistent, militant eagerness and willingness to get as far as they can get while in power.

Trump was subpoenaed this week to appear under oath before the January 6th committee. Now the 2020 election was stolen, and Trump never has done anything wrong or illegal--that I know of--but these fanatical ideologues, these Leftist true believers in bringing Communism to America, are in cahoots with the Biden DOJ and its federal police powers to imprison Trump illegally for being their loyal opposition. They want to get him under oath to "perjure" himself so they can send him to jail.

They are sentencing Steve Bannon to prison for 4 months for not appearing before this kangaroo court committee. These people are rotten clean through and mean business. They are wicked, dishonest, and shameless. They are on the march to amass absolute power over all the people and all their enemies.

Under a dictatorship, there is one system of justice for party loyalists and another for the public and especially the opposition to be imprisoned, silenced, and suppressed.

These Democratic representatives and Liz Cheney know that if--and likely they will--the Republicans under McCarthy take back the House in 2 weeks that, in January, this committee will be dissolved and none of their illegal crap will amount to anything

Still, with just a few weeks or months left in power, realizing that everything they “accomplished” is soon to be abrogated, they push against their political opponents as hard as they can, as long as they can, while still in power to spread the cause of tyranny as far as they can. Such people are fanatical, utterly ruthless, and extremely dangerous. They should be in charge of nothing, ever.

They and their Deep State cronies have unjustly and illegally hounded and defamed the former President for 6 years. Trump may not realize how close to being jailed he could be for the steady, fraudulent, unprecedented, and constant attacks against his supporters and him. All should be alarmed and outraged that his home illegally invaded by heavily armed federal police.

Th Left and the Democrats are scheming tirelessly to take America as close to that dictatorship as they can, and they are getting the people used to living under tyranny so when they return to office, they can make the softy tyranny official and the law of the land, on their way to hard tyranny and totalitarianism as a permanent political reality here. They are eager to install their Marxist strongman here. They lust after the ruination of America, humanity's last best hope.

Their postmodernist/Marxist/Envirostatist ideology is one that these true believers would gladly die for and their ferocious willingness to advance their cause, each and every time, in each and every political cycle, is how we got to the point of soft Leftist tyranny being our political regime.

In this light what the Liz Cheney did in subpoenaing Trump makes total sense.

They want power and suffering. These people lie about everything, and their vicious and cruelty is monstrous. They are not for the downtrodden. They are not compassionate and for justice for the underdogs.

Raw power over others is their addiction, their sole and only ambition. All other claims are covers for this naked power grab. And they are cunning and very successful at accruing power to themselves. They must be met with legal, nonviolent, fierce, sustained, principled conservative resistance if we are to shave our country and make it great again.

What RINOS, vacillators and fence-straddlers do not comprehend is how willful, resolved, determined and pugnacious are fanatics pushing forward their mass movement of interest. It is their only reason for living and there are dead serious about expanding their dominion by any means, fair or foul to enslave all under their fell cause.

Republicans never fight have as hard as Democrats do, and we willingness to push their agenda relentlessly without wavering, without regard to personal loss or sacrifice is impressive. Their goal is not impressive, but their attack strategy is. They are not so strong as the rest of Americans, are too decent, temperate, willing to coexist with those they disagree with, without any desire to control dissenting neighbors. The rest of us are too weak.

We need to be fighters, assertive, even militant where necessary to keep fanatics and fascists of all stripes at bay. They announce that they mean to do harm, they believe they are right in bringing harm to all, and they will bring that harm if empowered and franchised. We must not let them run things, at great cost if need be.




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