Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Death of God

 On Pages 161-163 of his book, BEYOND ORDER 12 MORE RULES FOR LIFE, Jordan Peterson repeats again what he has mentioned elsewhere about the artistic and prognosticative brilliance of Nietzsche and Dostoevsky in anticipating the rise of nihilism and ideological totalitarianism in the 20th century with the decline in faith in the Christian God due to the rise of rational criticism of the existence of an ultimate deity. Nietzsche thought God was dead, and that humans had murdered him.

Those two artists realized people are born wicked, and require God, culture, civilization, hope and ethics in their lives in order that their collective and inner darkness does not overtake and explode all of society. 

This is why Peterson and I are classical liberals and modern conservatives. The Western/English/Christian/Enlightenment/American set of values is not perfect, but it is the best the world has ever seen, providing people with democracy, peace, technology, science, material and physical well-being and capitalist prosperity.

To seek as ideologues, mostly on the Left, do to transform fundamentally what is not broken is to open the gates of hell on earth. It will be like Halloween constantly with demons and goblins and wicked humans running amok and attacking everyone.

People have to be civilized to keep their inner monsters canalized, at peace and asleep. The Marxists and postmodernist smash everything, in part, because they do not know what they are doing, and, in part, because they know exactly what they are doing.

We smash our superior culture and political system at our peril.

Dennis Prager warns all the time that people require values--the right set of values--to live well, and this includes a relationship with the divinity, and pure secular is no substitute, although secularism keeps religious expression honest.

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