Saturday, October 8, 2022


 This entry is no prolegomenon into my complaining that I am a voice crying in the wilderness, not heard, not given a platform.

A friend of mine recently criticized me for complaining about being suppressed, marginalized, and ignored. This person implied it was my fault, at least in part, and perhaps completely: in short, with my ENTJ mouthy, loud, opinionated, bossy, arrogant, finger-pointing, lecturing demeanor, I turn people off, and so infuriate them, that they go against me, with an enthusiastic, fierce, unyielding joy and determination. I am perceived as a jerk, and have been treated like the jerk that I am, and this is the bed that I have made, so now I must now lie in it.


That harsh criticism is not without merit, and I am now working to be more tolerant, more diplomatic, more respectful of others' independence, and their right to their own opinion, and acceptance of their nonconformity with any of my suggestions.


I would assess my being deplatformed and marginalized to the point of social extinction as 33% my fault.

The next 33% is because I am a great soul, a pure individualist, with no group attachments, and no apparent willingness to suppress my individual ways, speaking and customs, to fit into various groups that reward membership in the group in exchange for conformity to their conception of how an insider or joiner is to comport himself.


I have know several loudmouth "jerks" more obnoxious and controlling than I am, but they are conformers, joiners, groupists, small individualists and nonindividuators.  Their groupist solidarity makes them popular, and able to be rewarded with decent social rank within groups, despite their lousy personalities. Groups will forgive one being a jerk--up to a moving boundary--as long as the jerk is a conforming, uniform-acting nonindiviudator, currying favor with his groups to increase his social standing among them.


The final and most unforgivable 33% is my radical ideology of Mavellonialism with its original theology and brand-new emphasis on the individual and his life of maverizing rational egoism, at the cost of and downplaying of groupism, altruism, group-living and conforming to the social expectations keeping all people in their rudimentary, nonindividuating stage of existing as adults.


This Mavellonialist value system and religious faith is so gently and lawfully revolutionary that it angers, bewilders, and startles those initially encountering it, that its champion automatically is regarded as demonic, savage, crazy, dangerous, incorrect, and alien. These attributes, though erroneous, are the big lie told about me, and they have stuck and overcoming such angry opposition is near impossible.

All I can do is serve God and the Good Spirits, continue to spread the message as best as I can. I forgive everyone, and wish them well, and I will move on with my life until the end, for I am now in my 69th year of existence.


Whose fault is it that I am excluded from familial, social, religious, neighborhood, employment and intellectual circles? My blame is roughly 33% and the blame earned and merited by various others is approximately 66%.


Are they victimizers and I am the victim? I suppose so, but Jordan Peterson and Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn urge any victim, whether that status is accurate or fanciful, to eschew that label, and pick up the cross and shoulder it with all the faith, responsibility and conviction personally doable, to make the world right--that is the proper response to actually or putatively having been victimized, so that is what I have done.


All people, more or less, are victims and victimizers, for life is short, painful and filled with corruption. The ethical egoist must decide to serve God by maverizing, and then treating all as equals, as individuators and power-wielders, no longer victimized or victimizing. That is love as one's value and that is love that one is living, a living prayer honoring God, a sacrifice most pleasing to the Mother and Father.


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