Monday, October 17, 2022

Up At The Cabin

 On October 15th, I drove into Park Rapids to run a few errands, and offload some junk at the county dump.

I picked up an early edition of the StarTribune early Sunday edition so that we would have a paper to enjoy after lunch that afternoon.

I read an editorial that got my blood boiling. This article, under Opinion Exchange, was from Page A7 of the early Sunday October 16, 2022 newspaper. Its title was: "Lessons From LA--Supremacy isn't just for white people anymore. Some see being able to oppress as aspirational."

The article is from the New York Times by Charles M Blow. He is a smart, educated black journalist of some prominence. He also is a Leftist true believer, which means what he writes is false, slanted, prejudiced and to be discredited.

I want to lay out a compare-contrast methodology to differentiate between his approach and my approach to how one would write and read and react to such an article as the one that he wrote.

My first axiom: People are born wicked.

Blow's first axiom: People are born good or neutral, to tormented and twisted by hostile social forces, beyond their control, that work on them.

My second axiom: The individual is good and selfishness or self-interest is the primary good.

Blow's second axiom: The collective is good and selflessness and service to humanity are how one fulfills one's destiny.

My third axiom: All are born evil or racist and prejudiced against others from other faiths, ethnic, national, or racial backgrounds. What we are is all good and what they, the outsiders, the strangers, the enemies, is all bad. 

Blow's third axiom: Only whites are racist because they have power. Those with brown skin or that are poor cannot be racist. Whites must apologize and listen to be lectured to lose their unconscious residual racism.

My fourth axiom is that racism is universal and is part of our altruist, collectivist worldview. We are born tribal and always compete with and war against rival groups. The only cure for racism is for all to admit openly that they are naturally racist, and then live as individuals to respect and to cooperate with others as individuals, and then most can do their own thing without tearing society apart.

My fifth axiom: The West and its ideas are not perfect, but it is fundamentally just and is the best value system that the world has to offer and should be blended with all other rival value systems to improve them. The West, with its optimism, scientism, love of reason, individualism, capitalism, objectivity, Christianity and Greek philosophy, its great books, its materialism, its technology, its democratic and republican traditions--all of these wondrous gifts to humanity need to be restored, made great again, further researched and added to, but to serve as a foundation for the high culture of the future world of Mavellonialists.

Blow's fifth axiom: there is nothing special about the West and its values. Indeed, it may be the most inequitable, unjust system, racist, sexist, homophobic, class-conscious society that the world has ever been introduced. It is so rotten that it must be cast aside and replaced wholesale.

My sixth axiom is best expressed by Jordan Peterson. If I am state his view in my own words, Jordan espouses that Western, male-flavored culture is not deeply toxic, unjust, or harmful. It is not a patriarchy, and women are equal to men. Rather it is healthy, beneficial, liberating, empowering and progressive. It Enlightenment/modernst presupposition is that European culture with its emphasis on reason and individualism helps people cooperate, elevate each other and the community, and share power and resources for the enrichment of all.

Blow's sixth axiom: those adhering to the postmodernist/Marxist/Envirostatist view of the world believe that to exist is to endeavor to gather as much wealth and power to oneself and one's group at the expense of vying, competing individuals and groups. This struggle is endless and inevitable.

Men, Westerners and white heterosexual males have hoarded wealth and power for hundreds of years, and they day is over, so now it is time for an intersectionally presented host of rival groups to gain ascendancy and turn the tables on their former and current oppressors in the name of restoring justice to society, and to right the ship of state and culture.

My seventh axiom is the doctrine of essentialism. I mean by this that human nature is fixed more than it is malleable. We suffer from original sin. We are determined more than we exercise free will. We are more beast than angels. We are herd creatures. We are selfless more than we are selfish. We have binary gender assignments at birth. We are born depraved. We are emotional more than we are logical. We are selfish or selfless more than we are selfish/self-interested and generous to others and ourselves.

We are not socially constructed or determined by whatever cultural, generational and forces that we grew up in. 

We require moral training to know how to live, to form a good moral character to keep us out of trouble. By strengthening our will and our reasoning, and our willingness to think for ourselves, our implicit free will manifest itself and flourishes into our consciousness.

The Western tradition with its Greek and Judeo-Christian heritage, along with our cultural and scientific blessings gleaned from the Modern Age, is very effective in helping people live civilized lives, and we cannot have Marxist totalitarian types blowing it to smithereens to replace it with their hellish dystopia.

Blow's seventh axiom: human nature is plastic and infinitely malleable. We are products of the environmental situations out of which we arise. Our values, our gender selection, our outlook is all contingent upon the groups form which we were formed.


On 10/22/22 I read Scott Hogenson's column in Townhall, and he sagely averred that love of God, family and country stand in the way of totalitarians and their political systems.

This leads to my eight point—not a axiom really:  Leftist or American Marxists want government to be worshipped by Americans, and for a strongman running the federal government to utterly control peoples' lives. They detest love of God, family and country, all themes that I preach and love.

Dennis Prager repeats often that love of the truth is not a Left-wing value. I agree. I do not if Blow is mistaken or just believes lies that he offers as factual. 

Lying is a left-wing value because as true believers, pushing ahead their postmodernist/Marxist mass movement, their whole ideology, world view is a l massive web of lies that they believe. They are without morals so they would lie, false promise, betray to win. Winning, spreading the cause, and acquiring more power--these are what they value.

With this in mind, let me go through his article.

Lessons from LA--as mixed up and poorly run as LA and California are, who would want to take lessons from them on anything?

Then the title: Supremacy is 't just for white people anymore. That is a vicious lie. Since the 60s or earlier even, white supremacy has not been a reality for a desire for white people. It was the British and Americans that worked to end slavery, and Americans fought a civil war to end it.

Blow writes: "It is a theory that worries me and that I have written about with the browning of America, white supremacy could simply be replaced--or buffeted by--a form of 'lite' supremacy, in which fairer-skin people perpetuate a modified anti-Blackness rather than eliminating it."

My response: "First, of all his theory of existing white supremacy is false and misleading. White supremacy does not exist. If non-white but lite-skinned minorities in LA or wherever are practicing a form of ethnic supremacy, as soon as they amass political power, they did not inherit it or learn it from whites. They learned from their woke-CRT peers and trainers, and they exhibit it due to natural racism and prejudice against others of any other group affiliation. Racism cannot be eliminated for it is natural, but by training people to be Mavellonialists and egoists, we can elevate individual consciousness and its values that used fair, equal, just, courteous, peaceful, cooperative, and tolerant intermingling with people of all other groups. So trained, people will learn to be non-racist and non-groupist sufficient to build social cohesion, comity and sustainability.

As blacks become more and more maverized in America, they will be so powerful, competent, confident, and resilient that any effort by anyone to discriminate against them will fail as they easily brush it aside. The Left's obsession with race and group does not eliminate racism but makes it far worse for they insist that race and group affiliation define each person, and that is tragic and false. Your skin color and group connections are interesting and informative, and a source of real pride, but it is what you do with your life as an individuator serving the Divine Couple (That greatest adventure of your life is what is interesting, informative, and self-authored and self-willed.) as individualists should be doing, that is how you amount to something fine, and build a great life for yourself and your people.

Blow wants America to be less white in the future. And why is that desirable? That sounds racist to me. I have long argued that the CRT mindset is cover for a seething, ugly, vicious reverse racism against whites that will lead to revenge attacks on whites, even genocide one day. We whites need to stay armed, loud, heard and on the political stage, feisty and unapologetic, and let no one define us in terms of our racial views. We are not racist. We are good people just fine as we are. We need to move into the future where all, white or non-white, are individuators, where group and racial status are not that important, where we are a color-blind people and the content of one's character, not the color of one's skin is what counts.

 The way of the race-baiters will lead to racial and civil war, and that is what they actually desire.


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