Friday, October 14, 2022

The Fabian Revoutionaries



 Stephen Hicks, in his warnings about the Marxist roots of postmodernist undermining of America, and Mark Levin's dire shouting in American Marxism that the revolutionaries are overthrowing America, have awakened us to the fact that the postructuralist/neo-Marxist mass movement now on aggressive march across America must be stopped cold.

One way to restore America and make it great again is to remember how Eric Hoffer in The True Believer suggested how citizens being subjected to mass media and federal BIG LYING, indoctrination brainwashing and gaslighting techniques and campaigns,  citizens can be sustained to withstand the separating them from their government, values and culture so they will submit willingly even enthusiastically to the Great Reset.

Here is what biographer Tom Shactman wrote of Hoffer in Schactman’s biography on Hoffer, Page 76 and 77 (Shactman above noted that true believers had become deracinated and willing to join any passing mass movement, and Hoffer was trying to say mass movements sometimes are reformative not bad and revolutionary under a humane leader like Lincoln. Hoffer in the following quotes suggests how to strengthen citizens against mass movement pressures and this is relevant today for our citizens to push back against the current Marxist/postmodernist mass movement out to destroy and end America.): "Hoffer stressed that a democratic society must be home to both the majority who were content with the present--the 'well-adjusted' autonomous individuals who in a crisis would band together and leap to defend their society--and to the leavening of malcontents, the incipient true believers who were needed to point up society's faults. He also suggested how an individual could avoid becoming a true believer: through cultivating self-confidence, pride in one's skills, a sense of individuality, and "a dispassionate attitude towards the world.' He also suggested that groups such as the best unions could take collective actions that bred 'stability and permanence,' thereby preventing their society from succumbing to the lures of true believership."

We want American citizens to be individuator/anarchist supercitizens that realize that inherently evil elites--like all people are wicked--are inherently attracted to amassing power to themselves as they oppress, abuse, tyrannize and exploit the masses under their thumbs. We need skeptical, optimistic powerful, logical, engaged, fearless citizens to run society and give their bosses their marching orders.

Hoffer's suggestions in the quote above provide us with idea for how the average supercitizen to ward off becoming a true believer.

We want each supercitizen to know and communicate that elitism is preferred, but only each maverizer developing his mind and skills in an excellent way. 

Elites as holders of power and wealth are undesirable and socially dysfunctional.

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