Saturday, March 18, 2023

Best Motive


There are five (that I know of) motives for behaving. First, if it is a law, you likely will not disobey it for fear of going to jail. That sis a crude, negative reason for behaving but it works for most people most of the time.


Second, you obey moral rules because you believe in God, and God provided you with the golden rule, and the Ten Commandments to live by. You want to go to heaven, so you believe and behave.


Third, you follow moral rules, because your parents brought you up right, and you want to please them and your working conscience that they strengthened and trained.


Fourth, you behave because you would become unpopular and maybe ostracized by your peer group, and that would devastate you so you live as they would expect you to.


The fifth and positive, maybe strongest reason to behave is because you have a personal moral code that you hold yourself to, and you refuse to act in ways contrary to that code.

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