Wednesday, March 22, 2023

What God Hates


What God Hates: The Mother and the Father hate sin but not the sinners. We are born fallen, but even the least aware of us wield enough free will that, after death comes, we will be judged by some divine spirit, for reward in heaven or punishment in hell. Once and if we become great souls, on earth as self-actualized living angels, at that point we are liberated from sin and the Evil Spirits.


Then our consciousness is so rational, agential, self-directed, educated, wise and free that some vicious souls will still choose evil though they may well burn in hell forever, but most maverizers will know the consequences of ongoing sinning. As a consequence, these maverizers  will be so filled with love, that they will regularly choose to be good, to be loving and thus will gain some spot at some level in heaven after death.


I am not convinced that people are sent to heaven or hell eternally—at least not to hell permanently, unless the sinner was essentially vicious to the core, or did unusually heavy damage in the world.


But for those of us—perhaps the majority of us--in enough of a state of sin, that we must be punished somewhat, we do go to hell or something like Purgatory at least for a while, and perhaps sinners can eventually through good works, strengthened faith and prayer, better themselves in the spiritual world by coming closer to the Divine Couple.


What God loves: God loves a person that strives to be loving, to be happy, grateful, to be good and do good, all the while working with God.


God loves perfection, especially moral and spiritual perfection, but our Creators also made us fallen, so De well understand the rich, conflicted possibilities and challenges that each striving human child faces.


We do not have to be perfect human beings, and nor is it even possible as a human achievement. What the patient, forgiving Divine Couple will consider a victory for a self-actualizing individudator is to consider to improve over a lifetime, and that is sufficient to get one into heaven.


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