Thursday, March 23, 2023

Incrementalism Works


When it comes to the spread of evil within a person, or as it spreads across and destroys an entire people, the Evil Spirits and their human agents do their best work, in secret, in disguise, under the cover of darkness, though they operate too in broad daylight.  When their attacks are undetected, and their façade of decency is not uncovered and revealed until it is too late, and they have already taken over a person or a community or country, and then they wield the power of government, military, and police to force the people to accept wicked ways and adopt them or go to prison, it is too late to stop them. They now openly drop their masks of decency and civility. They are brazen and open about their vicious natures.


 The job of the children of light is to fight the children of darkness in each generation. They must not trust and keep an eye on these cruel liars always plotting to hurt individuals and hurt society. The children of darkness always craft a narrative so veil their naked power accumulation strategy. The good and the wise are to figure out what they are up to, their goals, their tactics, their strategies, and their rationales.


The children of light must then go public with their findings, waking up the sleeping majority. If the adults and children of that sleeping majority can be trained up and possess the skills, strength and courage of maverizers, armed with the knowledge of how to defeat the evildoers  by countering their attacks on society with benevolent goals, tactics, strategies and rationales, the good can block or defeat the Evil Spirits and the children of darkness, ever scheming to take over the world and bring damnation to the earth, and own the soul of every enslaved, cowed human wretch.


 Most people are naturally cowardly, sheep-like and inclined to submit and conform to what heartless, wicked oppressive rulers demand of them. The supercitizen program is my effort to undermine that easy human desire to go along to get along.


A month ago as I was driving around the south Metro of the Twin Cities in my service van, I liked to listen to talk radio. Some celebrity gave his analogy as to how gender identity politics and woke conformity slowly gained strength over a 30-year period. It really is a story of evil incrementalism overtaking society. He describes how the heterosexual, white Christian majority were conditioned to tolerate the LGBT agenda. Then once the majority agreed and did tolerate it, including legal gay marriage, then the radicals in that movement demanded acceptance, and they received it.


After 2000 then the public were pushed to celebrate the LBQT agenda with gay pride parades etc. And many Americans did. Then that morphed into a blame and shaming culture of straights if they did not actively and openly celebrate the LGBT movement, especially publicly. To refuse to think and hold values contrary to Biblical teaching were considered evil, vile, and bigoted. The straight society had to agree with the views of these radicalized minorities. The next logical step would be to outlaw free speech and independent thought of those who are not fervently on board and conforming to the thinking, speech and values brought forth by the LGBT activists and Leftists.


 Then this guy described a meeting on a podcast where some straight guys at the meeting were urged to mate with some gay guys at the meeting and when they refused to, they were yelled of the stage as bigoted.


I am not saying that the LGBT movement is inherently evil. I am not and it is not. But, as a woke, revolutionary, identity group out to wipe out traditional values and have largely done so, that identity mode of social justice attacking, and the concomitant group politics push is pure evil, and it is a spread as part of a series of intersectionalist parties comprising the front for the spread of Communism and totalitarianism.  And those are utterly collectivist, anti-capitalist, anti- western, anti-individualist and as cruel as it gets.


They very cleverly and incrementally overthrew America and are close to winning the culture war and gain compete power over society as that their revolutionary scheme all along.


Another way that the incrementalist turns evil over time is how a person commits a slight sin and then does another and then another until his soul is rotted out and he is a fallen person of bad will that could end up in hell.


Perhaps a person could bring goodness to the self or reality incrementally by steadily and consistently growing over time in love, piety, and wisdom, talking to the Good Spirits all the time.



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