Friday, March 17, 2023

Rufo And The New Totem


I subscribe to articles and videos sent to my email by Christopher F. Rufo, once a week. This brilliant young conservative activist has alerted sleepy Americans to the existential threat from with Critical Race Theory and DEI to the entire American way of life. He woke us up: he understands this threat, probably better than anyone, and he knows how to fix it. He bears listening to.


He sent me a video/article on 3/16/23, entitled: The ‘Trans Child’ Is the New Totem of the American Left. Rofu adds: “President Biden wants to codify child sex change operation into federal law—revealing a disturbing new metaphysics.”


Rufo speaks: President Biden has announced his support for federal legislation requiring states to allow hormone treatments and sex change operation for ‘transgender kids.’ He blasted recent restrictions on such practices in Florida as ‘close to sin’ and said that access to transgender medical procedure should qualify as a basic civil right.”


My response: I think a boy or girl that wants to “transgender” should be at least 18 years old and maybe 21. When an adult wants to do such radical medical procedures, it is acceptable though shocking, and the doer may be mentally ill, and may be no happier after such drastic transitioning. No child under 18 should be given these medical treatments, with or without parental consent. For Leftists, doctors, psychologists and therapists that are green-lighting these procedures for teenagers, they are not enforcing a new civil right, they are denying the right of underage children to be protected by society. Their evil, pseudoscientific crusade to main children is a moral abomination and is a violation of the civil rights of those children and their parents, and conservative all over America must staunchly work to end these medical cruelties. Biden wants to codify such child abuse and sexual abuse of minors.Biden’s push to federalize such abuse is the sin. If he persists, he should be impeached on this action alone.


Rufo continues: “The President’s message is dystopian on its face, but, at a deeper level of analysis, reveals the disturbing new metaphysics of the American Left, which has elevated the ‘transgender child’ into a totem. In primitive societies, tribal cultures would use totems to connect with nature, mediate their relationship with the spirit world, and honor the categories of the masculine and feminine. In modern America, by contrast, political activists us the ‘transgender child’ as a post-modern totem to connect with a utopian, technologically perfected future and to create a new category beyond man and woman. Through chemical and surgical intervention, they believe they can smash the patriarchy and transcend the limitations of human nature.”


My response: A totem is a spirit being or sacred object that symbolizes the dreams and aspirations of a group of people. This reminds me that Progressives are true-believers and this transgender child totem of there is the latest empty concept, made sacred that they worship. It is a Marxist deity. These secular humanists and atheists, willing to believe in anything, have a new deity to worship. It is a deity of death and destruction, and if it and its narrative can help topple weakened American and Western institutions, its revolutionary backers have done their work. Since this totem is now a sacred object for them, that they currently worship, could it not be demon worship in disguise. This whole movement is more sinister and dark than even many of its followers realize.


These transhumanists defy God, defy human nature as made with just two genders, and by remaking the genders, they strike a mighty blow for the instantiation of the postmodernist-Marxist revolution that they want complete and victorious across the West. Rufo knows exactly who they are, what they are up to, the urgency about stopping them, and he knows how to stop them. The Left gives this medical child abuse the fancy title, ‘trans-affirming care’. These monstrous practiced are virtuously redefined as the latest civil right.


Rufo continues: “Biden’s comments sound reasonable, it sounds humane, it sounds fairly rational. But this is all based on manipulative language and a hidden ideology that operates under the surface.


First, the category ‘transgender kids’: that’s the first thing he says and he lays down the marker that that’s the category we’re talking about. But as my friend and colleague, Colin Wright has pointed out, there is no such thing as a ‘transgender kid.’ And what Wright means by that is that a child is not innately transgender, but becomes transgender once the child enters the process of medicalization—hormones, surgeries, and other medical interventions. It’s not that they cannot have feelings of discomfort or dysphoria—that’s certainly true—but they only become transgender when adults intervene. There are parents, doctors, and psychotherapists, and then that child is put on Lupron, put on testosterone or estrogen, has a double mastectomy, or gets the penile inversion surgery.”


My response: Yes, the transgender child is an urban myth invented by the Left, a weaponized word to attack and smash conservatives with, to create gender confusion: by gaslighting Westerners about something so fundamental as the connection between one’s biological sex and one’s biologically aligned gender and gender orientation. If people especially children no longer know what gender they are, they can be confused about everything else, and it is easier to deprive them of their Western and Judeo-Christian values, so that critical theory and intersectional values can be introduced to the masses and believed by them, making the Marxist overthrow fully implemented in the culture and its metanarrative.


No transgender child exists unless medically altered boys and girls are attacked by the system. There may be a small group of transgender boys are girls that wish to transgender but that is psychological desire, not medical reality. It seems that young people, children, now think they are transgender, but that is a current popular fad, a sick social construct that has caught on.


Rufo continues: “Second, Biden then says it’s not as if kids wake up one morning and decide that they’re transgender or decide that their identity is different from their sex at biological birth. This is preposterous. That’s exactly what is happening. We have reams of data that show this is a classic case of social contagion. If you look at the graph of young people identifying as transgender, it is like the tulip bulb mania. It’s like a stock market bubble. And this has to crash. This is not sustainable. It’s not driven by a deeper reality. It’s driven by these contagious social factors. Look: for most kids, if you listen to what Biden calls their ‘feelings’ and ‘inclinations,; these are fleeting. They resolve on their own, especially as they’re discovering new gender identities while they are going through a very difficult period of puberty.”


My response: he has convinced me that transgenderism is a fad now, and these horrifying mutilations and altering the bodies of children needs to stop until they are of legal age.


Rufo continues: “ . . . What is actually happening under the surface? . . . What does the ontological category of the ‘transgender child’ suggest?


I think it means at a deeper level, at an archetypal level, is that for the political Left, the so-called ‘trans child’ serves almost as a totem for their political ideology . . . The political Left is now using the totem of the ‘trans child’ to connect with a metaphysics of the future, to say that any holding back from this scientific and medical future is a violation of our deepest principles.


They’re creating a new totem beyond the categories of ‘man’ and ‘woman,’ beyond the categories of the masculine and the feminine. Because in this new metaphysics, they believe in an ideology against Genesis. They believe in an ideology against the idea that we’ve created a world in God’s image, male and female. They believe they can actually transcend all this. They believe that there is a gender utopia beyond the basis of reality, beyond the basis of human nature. They believe that if we can only harness scientific progress and apply it to the repressive categories of the patriarchy, we can unleash a trans utopia beyond the world of necessity.”


My response: It seems as if the Leftist true believers, supposedly skeptical relativists of the postmodernist ilk, are revealing themselves for what they are; their invention of the transgender child totem is an ideational embodiment symbolizing the global victory of neo-Marxists ruling everywhere, enforcing their ideology, their credal faith that is absolutely true and right in their take on things.


I think God the Mother is married to God the Father, and that the Ladies and Lords, the Good Spirits, are spiritual beings that in sex and gender orientation are feminine and masculine. We are made in their image and likeness, so the mad desire of transhumanist Progressives to overthrow the gender relationship that are im place in heave is blasphemy and will enrage the Divine couple who might well rain hellfire and plague down upon our heads.


Transhumanist innovation could be beneficial, but we all need to proceed slowly and ask the Good Spirits for their communicated guidance about these scientific and medical innovations.


Rufo concludes: “But, in truth, this is a lie. Beyond the realm of the masculine and the feminine is not a utopia. It’s a dystopia in which man is stripped form his nature and force into these brutal medical procedures, then, as we’re already seeing with the ‘destransitioners,’ stripped of the basic building blocks of reality and human dignity.


At the end of this road, what we’re seeing is that the political Left is willing to engage in child sacrifice . . . in a way almost reminiscent of the Aztec child sacrifice rituals. We’re castrating children in service of a political ideology that uses them as totems to move humanity in the new left-wing metaphysics. It is something that we’re going to see in the next few years yielding horrific consequences, dystopian consequences, because it’s fundamentally at war with the reality of the universe, the reality of human nature. It cannot stand.”


My response: Rufo is a brilliant, clear thinker. He has exposed their utter ruthlessness: they use confused, bamboozled children as sacrificial lambs on the altar of advancing their ideology, taking over the world. Raw power is all they every sought, and they use all identity groups as useful idiots to gain that power. These social justice warriors cry out that they are noble-hearted but the oppressed that they use will be still enslaved with the old oppressor class once the comrades rule the world again.

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