Sunday, March 26, 2023

Kept In The Dark


When the fallen majority of every generation freely choose not to answer, their ethical obligation, that divine call to live life of maverization, to grow into a life of a living angel serving the Divine Couple, this majority demonstrates the intimate connection between evil altruism (staying in the pack, obeying the pack, doing its bidding in pressurizing all outlier dissidents moving away from pack-living) and selfish choice.

Each morally failed person staying with the pack, betrays himself and those farther out that have left the pack and are traveling the noble, difficult self-actualized route.

By staying with the pack, each failed person is rewarded with many worldly rewards: group acceptance, group popularity, lower standards of performance expected, higher group rank, never feeling so lonely, easy access to wealth by being hired and promoted in the who-you-know community economy and institutional layout, a sense of belonging, a satisfying echo chambers of other people lying to one that one is normal, good, beautiful, correct and fine, just the way that one’s non-individuating, mediocre, sullen self  is.

To make all of this accessible, sustainable and ongoing, there are more sinister acts required of each failed person lest they be cast out of the pack and then targeted by the pack-turned-mob if enraged. This entails acts of cruelty and real harm that they volunteer to visit upon loners outside the group, and upon members of other groups. If they fail to obey the pack leader command to actively hurt an outsider, then that rebel will be cast out, and attacked by other packs members. Very few humans being have the strength of personality or moral will to say no: to preserve themselves, most people selfishly, cowardly obey the command to scapegoat upon innocent outsiders as a way of demonstrating their group solidarity in action.

The sense of group, its narrative, its values, its aggregation of willing altruists (somewhat akin  to Max Stirner’s  unwilling egoists: I define a willing altruist is someone that goes beyond his fallen, natural altruist orientation to consciously elect to live with and perpetuate dark, false, cruel group policies upon the hurting world.) are really one personality, one collective ego, of great power and force in the world, usually to further destructive goals. This single collectivized personality or group will is the unitary demonic consciousness constituted by the group members, the self-sacrificing altruists that serve its bidding and populate its power amount.

One important way that the selfish altruists serve their pack is by keeping outsiders and outlier individuators out of the loop, without access to group secret’s, their agenda, their plans, their schemes for amassing more souls, and through that amassing, more negative but concentrated power.

The technique is to keep the maverizer in the dark, to surround them, with joiners, jostling them day and night to wear them out, to make them feel solipsistic, to make them doubt their point of view (Do I exist? Am I right? Am I all alone? What is real? Is it all a dream? Is there any hope of moral victory? What is true and who is telling the truth? What is false and who is lying. Can I trust anyone, even myself? Am I correct in my lonely perspective when all around me see the world differently and bombard me with disapproval and disagreement all day long so that I give up and accept their view, their narrative, expressed in their language and in their terms?).

It is very difficult--usually insurmountable--for the isolated, group-assaulted great soul to keep going and counterattack against the majority groupists, all around and closing in on him.  He has great courage and will, but it requires almost superhuman determination to keep fighting the lonely, good fight when there are so few other maverizers alive and in communicative proximity to provide comfort, backup, and support. It is hard to find someone to talk to that knows the truth, and who will make one feel heartened and uplifted to keep fighting the good fight. The mob, surrounding him, hunting him, trying with all their might and cunning to take him, know how deserted and troubled he is, so if they can take him out, it sets a powerful deterrent effect on anyone else planning to stick her head up, even leaving the group.

Both voluntarily, consciously, teleologically and instinctively, nonindividuating pack members are taught and sense that their job is to attack, undermine and forever harass lapsed pack members, now individuators or independents for having joined an rival cause or pack. 

One important way that the selfish altruists serve their pack is by keeping outsiders and outlier individuators out of the loop, without access to group secret’s, their agenda, their plans, their schemes for amassing more souls, and through that amassing, more negative but concentrated power.

The technique is to keep the maverizer in the dark, to surround them, with joiners, jostling them day and night to wear them out, to make them feel solipsistic, to make them doubt their point of view (Do I exist? Am I right? Am I all alone? What is real? Is it all a dream? Is there any hope of moral victory? What is true and who is telling the truth? What is false and who is lying. Can I trust anyone, even myself? Am I correct in my lonely perspective when all around me see the world differently and bombard me with disapproval and disagreement all day long so that I give up and accept their view, their narrative, expressed in their language and in their terms.).

It is very difficult for the isolated, group-assaulted great soul to keep going and counterattack against the majority groupists, all around and closing in on him.  He has great courage and will, but it requires almost superhuman determination to keep fighting the lonely, good fight when there are so few other maverizers alive and in communicative proximity to provide comfort, backup, and support. It is hard to find someone to talk to that knows the truth, and who will make one feel heartened and uplifted to keep fighting the good fight.

The pack wants the maverizer gaslighted, in the dark, fearing that all is hopeless so that he might as well give up, surrender, and return to the pack to be abused forever in some outcast, enslaved role at the bottom of the social heap forever for having dared to go against the group.

 Satan and Lera, the spiritual sources of the invention of pack living biologically and as a social construction, use all of these pack bullying and intimidation techniques, with practiced effectiveness, to retain their power over insiders and to force the surrender of independence by rebellious individuators and nonjoiners.

If the maverizer can made to feel lonely, isolated overwhelmed , surrounded by overpowering, insurmountable opposition (or the illusion thereof, believed and accepted as fact by the beleaguered maverizer), it is hoped that the maverizer will surrender, accept being self-alienated, enslaved and no longer free by becoming a fellow nonindividuator serving the pack, its hierarchy, its ruling elite and the fixed idea that is their god or demon, that they worships and unite around and die and fight for.

The maverizer must rise up out of crippling, enervating, corrupting collectivism and become a living angel and a great soul, serving the Divine couple, not any longer the Dark Couple.

As he becomes better know and more successful even if martyred and killed by the mobs, over time truth and goodness and love and reason and maverizaiton will triumph for God’s children cannot be kept down and back forever.

In summary, the group-living children of dark in each generation have an objective: to grow their evil cause, their range and add all human members to their mass movement. Working in the dark, their intent is to spread wicked groupism as far as they can before the forces of good can discover that they are under attack and so will be unable fight back before it is too late. Keep the good, the outsider, the rival pack in the dark, ignorant of the groupist plotters and their secret knowledge and their nefarious agenda.

All of this is in play, in the background while the pack surrounds and seeks to break or crush a great soul in their midst. That great soul is likely a former member of their pack. By keeping him in the dark, they are depriving him of an understanding to what is up against, so that he cannot come up with effective ways to thwart or defeat them, and by keeping him in the dark, they often can get him exhausted or fearful, so he just will  give up, leave God and forsake maverzing and return to the group, to nonindivduate, and thus serve the Dark Coup le and their Evil Spirits. It is a sin of huge proportions for the pack to defeat a maverizer. The Good Spirits will remember that come Judgment Day.

The  mob of joiners want to win, to have its cause be victorious, and the in-the-dark and thwarted maverizer is not to win or have his good cause increased in number, range or influence.

The war between good and evil is unending and bitter, and the combatants are playing for keeps.

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