Monday, March 20, 2023

Moderation And Contradiction


This is not a fully developed line of thinking, but I want to get it put on digital paper, in its initial form.


I am wondering if there is a connection between moderate or blended traits, stances, views or ontological conditions and a set of contradictory propositions.


If two contradictory statements are both asserted at the same time, then they are contradictory and that compound statement is false. This is a false contradiction.


Is moderation related to a set of contradictory propositions that are a true contradiction, a dialetheism?


My thought is that moderation is not contradictory at all, but is a statement or condition of blended, balanced opposing traits that  are both real and true, but only appear to be contradictory because whatever is the entity or principle that they are part of is a principle whose properties are say 35% of one opposite property and 65% of its contradictory property, but both contradictory statuses of two distinct parts, separate from each other. Therefore, their internal contradictory status applies only to themselves, and the property of being contradictory does not comprise the entire entity of principle that they populate. The whole entity’s status is not internally contradictory: this status does not apply to the two opposites at the same time--these discrete, adjacent but separate properties are self-contained. Both contradictory properties are adjacent but that makes the principle that they constitute, a motley that is not whole contradiction across the unit. Is this logically possible?


This requires further study and pondering.

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