Saturday, March 18, 2023

Dear Leader


I have long known that the StarTribune is in intellectually cloned lockstep with their masters at the New York Times. These legacy media producers of fake news have taught Americans to hate what they used to love (capitalism, liberty, individualism, constitutionalism, Christianity, republicanism, patriotism, and love of the American Way). These mind-controllers and neo-Pravda apologists for the Deep State and neo-Marxism have taught Minnesotans—and many Americans—to love what they use to hate (multiculturalism, globalism, socialism, big government, dependence upon and acceptance of government intrusion in their lives, tyranny and unconstitutional limits on free speech, freedom of worship, freedom of the press and uninfringed right to bear arms). The neo-Pravda, American media is an intentional, audacious campaign to    perpetrate  systemic lying and mind control over the masses here to keep them Democrat or Leftist, to habituate them to being wards of the state, to not learn to think for themselves, to grow government and tyranny until at least soft socialism is the way of woke life here.


In Minnesota, for example, If they can seriously go green, register and confiscate our guns, and set up freeway spy cameras and drones over every neighborhood to spy upon every Minnesotan that may end up with tracking chips embedded in their body, then hard socialism and state totalitarianism can be instituted here.


People are naturally fatalistic and cowardly, eager to be intellectually lazy: they want to be told what to think and what to do. The elites at work, in government, in their schools and colleges, in Hollywood and at their pulpits on Sunday indoctrinate them, brainwash them, and order them what to think, to group-live, to non-individuate, how to live, how to act, what culture is appropriate and what metanarrative they are to absorb by living its values. 


People are sheep and deeply masochistic. They enjoy obeying, conforming, and believing the lies and propaganda that they are fed. Escape from freedom is a most effective mass means of self-delusion, and mutual deception, whereby all convince each other that their lives, as are, are ideal and cannot be improved upon.


Today is Saturday, March 18, 2023. I am going to review the headlines on the front page and internally of the StarTribune to provide examples of these journalistic hacks from the ruling class cherry-picking and slanting stories to keep the cowed masses down, directed, submissive and spout the party line.


A.   Front Page lead story title: It’s the law: Free school meals for all. (Minnesota becomes the third state to require no-cost breakfast and lunch for students.)  Now I do not want kids to go hungry, but is it not the job of parents to feed the children. Does government need to be into this? It teaches the young to be wards of the state, no matter how well of their parents are. The message to children is that Big Government provides all, knows all, is involved in and runs everything. This will not bring about the generation of supercitizen anarchist-individuators that I envision for future Minnesotans: young adults that are armed, virtuous, self-realizing, idealistic but with a personal epistemic ballast on that by being logical, skeptical voters that demand answers, proof, sound arguments, legislation delivered as promised, etc. We need these children to be involved directly in running government, colleges, schools, businesses, the neighborhoods and townships, and their churches. They need to be heavily armed and fiercely independent, yet able to work together, cooperate and run many interlocking social contracts efficiently, consistently and in the best interests of all.


On Page 8 is a picture of a beaming Dear Leader (Governor Tim Walz) being hugged and adored by grade school girls that revere and adore this modern savior of all  Minnesota children. This enlightened,moral giant is a governor for all those survival-of-the-fittest, heartless, neighboring governors to emulate.


This same man is the moral monster that was the dictator of Minnesota during the pandemic. This same tyrant is for transgender right, registering and confiscating guns of adult Minnesotans. This man is an environmental radical seeking to bring the environmental Great Reset to Minnesota. This is our Dear Leader.


B.    Yesterday, was St. Patrick’s Day, and St. Paul held its parade. Front-page pictures were highlighted by three adults dressed in green with bikinis and sunglasses. They all seem like weird exhibitionists from some outlier group. In the far back and to the side are Irish adults with their children, marching in the parade, given almost no attention. The grand marshal is a black gentleman, and that is fine, but it is a white, Irish holiday. I am Irish and white, but could not the grand marshal be white?


The StarTribune managers and editors took an ethnic Irish holiday with a deemphasis males, whites, Christians, Catholics, and heterosexuals. Now the American Irish—myself included are not exactly promoters of white supremacy or anything remotely approaching that, but did the editors have to so misrepresent people that this holiday is for and about by showing the public its group of marginal people as mainstream? This is hatred of and reverse racism against middle class white Irish Americans, and it tells us nothing about the Irish Americans, but it tells us plenty about the evil, vicious, hateful, bigoted, angry, Leftist authoritarians so hellbent on wiping out traditional American culture so that they can usher in their Communist Ameritopia. These are cruel, malicious distorters that will create the new Pol Pot regime here once they have all the power all the press and all the culture and meek masses to succumb to the hell they are proud of bringing to us.


C.    There is a front-page side article about the warrant issued for the monster Putin for war crimes in Ukraine. That must be shown because Democrats are anti-Putin but pro-Xi who is planning to take over the world, but if repeating this article wins favors with the rulers at the Times, they run with it.


D.   Speaking of China, they repeat the story that Covid came from raccoon dogs, not leaked from the Wuhan lab run by the Chinese government with Fauci’s grants; that too matches the Democratic talking points.


E.    Internal articles include three reports about attempts by weaponized Democratic prosecutors still trying to indict Trump. There are nearby articles on Proud Boy trials and sentencing an ex-officer for over events on January 6th. There are no articles about the need to indict Biden for the Biden crime family efforts, or his illegal refusal to enforce immigration laws on the borders to protect America. Why is there no press push to get him impeached for his refusal to enforce federal immigration law. He cannot pick and choose what laws that he chooses to enforce or not.


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