Sunday, March 19, 2023

Shut Out


I seem obsessed with the StarTribune the last few days. Today is Sunday—3/19/2023—and the title of the Front-Page article that I wish to comment on is: “Republicans feel shut out by the DFL. Once again, the serial liars at the editorial board of this rag should have told the truth: Republican legislators and thereby Republican voters have been shut out of the governing process by the DFL, the governor, the bureaucrats, and the court system, at the Minnesota Capitol this legislative session, winter 2023.


Let me quote from this article by Ryan Faircloth, and then I will respond to quotes in writing: “

Republicans in the Minnesota Legislature have watched with frustration over the past two months as Democrats pass one progressive bill after another without needing votes from across the aisle.


Abortion rights codified, Felon voting rights restored, Driver’s license eligibility expanded to include unauthorized immigrants, Republicans are grappling with the consequences of their 2022 defeats, dismayed by the growing list of bills passed by Democrats in control of the Legislature.


‘I think they’re going to use this opportunity to pass every provision that they’ve ever dreamed of, and it appears that’s the track that they’re on,’ said former House Minority Leader Kurt Daudt, R-Crown. ‘I’m not sure that they’re even negotiating with our caucus at all. Frankly, they don’t need to.”


My response: Minnesota and Colorado Democrats look to California to lead them culturally and politically. What has happened in California often leaks out to all the other states. The Californian Democratic control there of both branches of their legislature and their Governorship has, in effect, led to one-party rule. The years-long rule of that state by radical Leftists, without a moderating, strong loyal opposition to impede their excesses, has led the state into a soft tyranny.  It is a socialist state. As the decades pass, and the soft tyranny is institutionalized, then California  will become a soft-Communist state, and eventually then a hard-communist state like Venezuela or China.


As creeping socialism takes over states like Minnesota, Arizona, and Colorado, and if the Democrats and Progressives control all the Presidency and Congress, one-party rule for generations will end constitutional republicanism. This is why the Left wants open border: if they can get 70 million illegal immigrants to pour in and then vote, they will have simple majorities everywhere to enforce the one-party, Communist hegemony upon America for decades, and that is their cunning plan, and they are scarily close to making it occur.


My point is that what the happen to California is underway here right now in Minnesota, as evidenced by Democratic legislators and the Governor completely shutting out Republicans and conservatives, the minority party in this state.

I am an ethical, political, ontological moderate: suggesting that anything good, beautiful, moral, right, democratic, and godly must be a compromise from different, competing, opposed parties. This includes political parties from across the spectrum.


Factionalism and political parties are inevitable in every society on earth, but there must be compromise, and cooperation. When a one-party state like the DFL in Minnesota demonstrate a complete, fanatical refusal to allow Republicans to get any legislation passed that they favor, or to accept any Republican amendment to pending DFL legislation being passed, then the opposition is shut out.


That is tyranny: tyranny can come from a dictator, a huge federal bureaucracy, authoritarian, ideological judges legislating from the bench, or majority, mob rule from urban, collectivized, big-government voters and their crazed electors hooked on power accumulation, running roughshod over all opponents, and minority points of view.


I have long known that the postmodernist neo-Marxist movement in America—aka Democrats, Leftists and Progressives—are not compassionate, temperate, sensible, blue-dog Democrats like Scoop Jackson from the 1970s. They are ideologues, true believers, fanatics and totalists. They are a mob: Marx is their prophet, Leftism is their religion and Big Government Communism is their God.


Republicans, independents and conservatives that do not believe this simply do not understand their enemy:_their bold plan, their sheer audacity, their unshakable self-confidence, their supreme arrogance,, their absolute willingness to sacrifice themselves and even die to spread their holy cause across the entire country. Their lust for power: collective, military, economic, institutional, journalistic, federal, and policing powers are an addiction that can never be satiated.


Republicans completely underestimate Leftist determination to overthrow and remake American into a Communist state. The complete uniformity of will, ideologically pure point of view, and their unswerving dedication to advancing their cause drives these Marxists upwards and onwards. Only if seen as the revolutionary, fanatical ideologues that they are, at war with America, and on the march to victory and domination forever, then their lockstep votes as a block in Congress or the Minnesota legislature then makes sense.


StarTribune continues: “The DFL sweep of the House, Senate and governor’s office has left Republican legislators outnumbered and on the defensive. Their diminished influence presents limited options: Collaborate with Democrats in hopes the majority will listen to their suggestions or label the DFL’s actions as extreme in hopes of positioning themselves for the 2024 election.”


My response: MGR by the Dorr brothers, with their involvement here with guns rights and anti-abortion advocacy, are the Republican party of the future that will have to rebuild the conservative party in Minnesota. Republicans cannot be RINOS or DFL-lite or “reach across the aisle when compromise and common-sense legislation are not even honorable compromise, but abject surrender to extreme Leftist proposals. Conservative must unite, be principled, and fight hard and aggressive, but nonviolently to with the people back to the conservative side. You have voters an dcandidates with a clear agenda for legislation that you lay out and the core of that cannot be compromised, and you will win back influence and voter support from conservatives, ex-Republicans and independents that will vote conservative if conservative put forth a clear, rational, principled platform of how to govern to stymie not liberal agendas from Democrats, but Communist dreams from the left fringes that are now mainstream for all true-believing Democrats.


It is fine to offer amendments and threaten to get even in the 2024 elections, but Republicans have to be brave, bold and put forth legislative proposals right now, and fight, actively fight. They need to force to governor and the DFL to vote down their proposals, and this refusal to compromise by the Left is a solid platform for them to run on in 2024. That slate of offered legislative proposals need to go to every voter in Minnesota, so they know what Republicans have tried to achieve but were blocked by the Left. Such contrasted documentation lets the voters have a clear choice among candidates of opposing parties. When Republicans one day have both the Minnesota House, Senate, and governorship, they need to put forth legislation that takes us back to what Minnesota was in 1956.


If Democrats, when in the minority, then have some sensible suggestions for legislation the majorities can add the and should. Liberal ideas are acceptable but socialist ideas are not. Republicans must be more self-aware and principled than Democrats and let the voters know that we want a conservative but free, capitalist Minnesota where all own guns, or could, are free, prosperous, welcome, and happy. A liberal loyal opposition will welcome and encouraged to prevent conservatives from becoming one-party fascists as liberal Democrats here and nationally are becoming would-be, one-party Marxists that will make a totalitarian future for America. No thanks.


StarTribune continues: “House and Senate Republicans have adopted both strategies this session with varying results. By and large, Republicans from both chambers, say they feel that Democrats haven’t cared to listen to them.


House Speaker Melissa Hortman, DFL-Brooklyn Park, countered that Republicans did the same thing to Democrats when they were in control.”


My response: When Republicans are in control, they never go as far as do Democrats: they are driven by fear, a lack of firm principles and fear of political pushback the next election cycle. Their approach should be to get as far as they can within reason, and then let the voters react to it.


The true believing American Marxists, pushing forth their holy cause, have a sense of clear unity, purpose, and vision that is enviable in its effectiveness. The utter unity of mind and will is what gives fanatical collectivists their power, their power to gain all power, and install a totalitarian state upon all the people. Setting up hell on earth is what they are eager to share with all.

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