Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The Scoop


If you want to scare the hell out of a joiner, or a quasi-loner just leaving the group, one that is seriously thinking about being a creative egoist, just warn her that she will live alone, poor, bitter, alienated, shunned, hated, and disowned. She could die alone, without family, a significant other or friends of any kind.


This is more likely in this time because most humans are normative altruists that group-live: their prime motive is to please their group, to increase their popularity and rank within that group. Their values, for the sake of exhibiting personal loyalty to group expectations, are what they will set aside. They will betray all they hold dear just so they can continue to belong.  Even if the pressure to group-form is fairly innocuous, they will still go as far—and sometime beyond—as they ethically dare, to do what illicit or immoral act is commanded by the group to serve the group interests. It is easy to set a sense of guilt and conscience aside, to justify however one wants to misbehave.


One day, after Mavellonialism catches on, then individual-living and self-realizing will be common, expected and much practiced by every day, ordinary people. In that generation, one could be alone without being lonely, socially punished, or unpopular. At the juncture, people will be able to move in and out of groups of all types, as they freely choose to do, and no one will pay much attention to their coming and going. The majority of the population, constituted by upper middle class supercitizens, will be rather tolerant of people coming in and out of whatever familial, communal or national groups, such that prevail at that time.


Even if Satan and Lera take over the world fully, using fascism, ideology, communism, postmodernism, wokeness or a religion converted to a fervently worshiped fixed idea, even if the Evil Spirits, through the monsters running Russia, North Korea, Red China and Iran, conquer all across the globe, even if the children of light are vanquished and exterminated from the face of the earth, even if the children of darkness rule all of the world, one world government, one permanently institutionalized, totalitarian state with its ruling party elite, with its hierarchies, its groupist minions and omnipresent police state, there is still hope for the loner-individuator.


For we are only totally alone if we insist upon living inside our solipsistic bubble, a whining, self-pitying tub of psychic mush, feeling victimized by Fate, the world, and others, hating oneself and others, but never working to fight back with love, idealism and resolve to bring as much Good Spiritsim, goodness and creativity as one can in a harsh, cruel world.


This is our duty, demanded of us by the Divine Couple. We as a reward, in this world or the next, even if we are martyrs in the gulag or to be shot in front of a firing squad or actively being tortured by some future SS police unit, we are never alone, never without friends, never without comfort or companionship if we accept that God and the Good Spirits are with us always, and we can survive the most vicious, painful, nightmarish treatment possible. If nothing else, if we die of our wounds, we will be welcome in heaven, and that has to be comfort enough for those of us hurled by Fate into this terrible, world, but we are to man up, and keep going and make the better place, and fight the good fight for God’s sake.

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