Friday, March 28, 2014


Being an individuator is not the same thing as being heroic, but there is strong overlap and notable similarities. A hero is someone that shows unusual courage in thought, word and deed in times of confusion, stress and great danger. An individuator would demonstrate similar behavior. He would rise to the occasion, stick his neck out and prominently withstand forces of evil.

The hero is in some sense, usually in dissent or in Medal of Honor examples of daring by feats in times of war, disaster, etc., that transcendent person that is large than life. His willingness to self-sacrifice is without parallel as he lays down his life (whether he lives or dies) to save or serve others in dire straits. An individuator would mirror this behavior.

The hero may be a person of prodigious strength, or a 98 pound grandmother. The hero may be of exceptional intelligence and sharp aptness, or he may be an average Joe that is overachieving. An individuator could be any one of these heroes, and share any of their aptitudes and talents.

The hero becomes celebrated, famous and nationally prominent through his efforts and feats. Or he may be a firefighter or nurse saving a life at a local car accident. An individuator could be any of these people.

The hero may be a respected beacon of hope on the national stage, exemplifying how to stand up to corruption and evildoers hellbent in taking down everyone. An individuator could serve as this beacon of hope.

The hero may be that less talented, 44 year old middle sister, never married, that works and yet cares for elderly parents because it is her job, according to her selfish, lazy siblings. She is quiet, unrewarded and unrecognized, but without complaint or half-measures, she serves and cares for those in need. An individuator could be like these folks.

The point is that an individuator is heroic, but is more beyond that. Much that makes an individuator exceptional is her consistent performance over a life time. She studies and improves her drawing until she is in the grave. She works, feeds her kids, mows the grass, balances the budget, and grows, grows, grows. She is close to God and is imbued with God's kindness, love and hope. She is a very fine person.

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