Sunday, March 23, 2014


 According to Pew research, as quoted in Newsmax, this morning anti-incumbent sentiment among voters is reaching the 70 percent mark. They also warn us that voters in general loathe Congress, but feel that their personal representative or senator is not so bad, so they vote them right back in despite being disgruntled and discontented with how things are going in Washington.

As Mark Levin urges, do more than complain, act. Vote the bums and bimbos out, but embrace constitutional amendments plans as offered by Levin, the 5-point plan by Hannity (plus rebuild a robust national defense with a first-rate missile defense system), and initiatives offered by Heritage Foundation and the Tea Party. We need to purge the Republican Party of Rinos, and go to all Americans with a great, solid conservative message. As Rush points out, when Republicans like Reagan go with a bold, conservative message, they get elected.

We need to go farther. We need our constitutional republic, and then plan to head towards political Mavellonialville where a confederation of cantons is our local, county, state, federal and international assortment of polities.

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