Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Invasion

Strongman Putin has invaded the Crimea and our wimp-dictator Obama waffles and sighs, and pulls a modern Chamberlain response.

I have been a Neo-Con in the past. Under the Constitution, one of the few legitimate jobs of the federal government is to field a strong, effective military to defend this country at home, and protect our intersts abroad.

We need to spend money to beef up our armed forces to make this possible. We should not be the world's cop, but everyone, everywhere needs to be put on alert that we are watching, will take the necessary steps to thwart them, and that we have the muscle, resolve and know-how to back it up.

Unlike the ninnyhammers running the Department of Defense right now, we need at least these reforms immediately.

1. Reinstate a national draft so all youngsters have to serve two years in the armed forces, or in some civilian defense organization if they are conscientious objectors.
2. Refund military cuts.
3. Work with Israel to come up with a state-of-the art  missile defense an laser-shoot down program that is effective, accurate and second to none to let the Russians and terrorists around the world know that we will stop anyone, anywhere from firing missiles at anyone.
4. If we take a country, we do so with 500,000 troops. We take it, every inch of it, and hold it firmly, completely by all the force required. We stay for 40 years until they are a peaceful, capitalist, democractic ally without Taliban-like nut-jobs ready to take over and resume butchering and civil war the second our last plane leaves the Kabul runway. If we are reluctant to hold a country, then we do not take it in the first place. If we war, we war to win. If not, we stay out and stay home, period.
5. We control the land masses, the air and water ways worldwide with all kinds of peaceful and military expeditions to enforce a universal Monroe doctrine to keep the Russians out of Crimea, the Chinese out of Formosa, and the Iranians out of Israel.

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