Friday, March 7, 2014

Third World Professionals

You talk to skilled American workers in the trades that provide service to college-educated professionals, as bosses, coworkers and customers, and the anecdotal evidence is startling.

As a rough generalization, these blue-collar technicians would rather work for and with American-born professionals than with foreign-born, foreign-raised and foreign-educated professionals now living and working here.

Why is this so? It has little to do with racism or provincialism--although a smattering of that always exists.

I would speculate that American-born, professionals are used to a society where small business owners, farmers, truckers and trades-people are the successful, affluent, respected equals of any of their customers, and are so regarded and so regard themselves.

In America, there has not been a great majority that are cowed, humble, pliable, deferential, poor unskilled workers who worship and show special attention to the rich, powerful and educated few at the top of the heap.

This is how it has been in most foreign countries. When those professionals come here, they bring their old, bad attitudes with them. As new members of the elite, ruling class, college-educated and affluent, they expect quick, automatic submission and obedience from our technicians as if these professionals were still back home.

As can be anticipated, such a clash in values can lead to workplace conflict. These foreign-educated professionals of course are still most welcome here, but they must Americanize themselves quickly.

The rise of individuator-anarchism and the accompany spread of Mavellonialist values necessitates elites and ruling classes disappear. Institutions must be abolished or greatly shrunk in size and reach. Groupism must be abolished. Without the poor, downtrodden majority as poor huddled wretches to exploit, oppress and abuse, elites cannot function and command.

We want a one-world middle class where bosses, professionals and blue-collar workers are all proud, very skilled and very independent. All should respect all, but no one need jump and fetch when some elitist snaps his fingers. This highlights how we need to Americanize the world, so foreign-born professionals come to naturally and automatically treat blue-collar workers as professionals, not dumb, inferior subordinates.

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