Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Future

Each American has four choices to make. She can be an individuator or a nonindividuator. She can be an apathetic follower or a supercitizen running society as part of the Tea Party movement. How she elects to make her choices will impact her life, and that of every American. If she participates in politics in her public role, and individuates in her private role, and if a majority of citizens choose the routes that she is following, America will become Elysium.

If the majority are government dependents, non-performing followers who take and live of the system, then the future will be bleak as our country declines further for want of effort from its citizens.

Remember: you are held accountable for what combination of the four choices that you select. God is watching. So is Satan and Fate. Your afterlife is directed by what you do or do not do here.

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