Sunday, March 2, 2014

Obey Us

The individuator will have a difficult time fitting back into institutional living and roles, once having lived a life of liberation and self-actualization.

When institutional authority figures demand that he listen to them, obey them, and actually believe what they claim, the effort just is not worth it, or doable even if he wants to conform and fit in.

Where they in charge are pure fascists, tolerating zero opposition, and sever punishment to dissenters, they will run him out, or force him into the role of spirited rebel fiercely resisting their mean and insipid ways and commands.
Of course they will spread the word that he is to be shunned as dumb and with a bad attitude. He will be demonized, discredited and regarded as an inferior member of the hierarchy.

He is to give. They are to take. They say and he is to comply and do their bidding, period. They may force him out or make it so severe that he will leave on his own.

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