Saturday, June 14, 2014

Work Is A Blessing

My disabled brother was so correct in reminding me last year that to be healthy enough to work is one of life's great blessings. Work provides other benefits for us too. First of all, a paycheck, fresh money coming in, helps us pay our bills and keep the wolf from the door.

For one that is an extreme loner like I am, work also provides one's sole social outlook. That is why firing an extreme loner is dangerous to the employer. Not only is the loner denied a paycheck, but the only social life that he has is ripped away from him. He needs to be a strong and moral person not to conclude that life is hopeless, and that there is nothing left to live for. Because the mean, discriminating, groupist employer deprived him of everything, he might as well get a gun, go to work and get what revenge as he can before killing himself. I am not advocating that going postal is admirable or justifiable. Not at all. I am just explaining that desperate people who think they have nothing left to lose, and nothing to live for, may conclude that revenge killing is the route to take.

God loves us and is with us, even if all others hate us, ignore us and abandon us. If one's faith was deep enough, an extreme loner could survive being fired.

Work is where the individuator will find social outlets, among others.

Work is where, once loners have protected class status, revenge killings should evaporate.

Work is where the individuator makes his daily living, and that is satisfying.

Work is a place out there where one goes to get out of one's rut, and out of one's home, and that is healthy. It is not good to spend too much time alone. One can spend a lot of one's time alone, but too much sickens the person.

Work is the worldly place where the individuator can gain material, managerial and technical skills. These acquisitions teach him about who he is and what he is capable of.

The benefits from working ripple out to the entire society. We work to make money and stimulate the economy. We work to fulfill our worldly needs. That diligent, energetic input into life make assuming the role of self-actualizing easier to take on, for the worker already is accustomed to applying and exerting himself to meet basic needs. He has worked to fee his body, and now working to fulfill his potential is feeding and growing his soul.

May you long be healthy and employed. Work to feed your body and your soul.

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