Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Here in Bloomington this evening it is 30 degrees and a rain-sleet mixture has been falling for three hours.

Almost every night that I am home, Sam and I go for a mile walk. We enjoy it and he can stay regular that way.

A few minutes ago, I stepped off the step onto the sidewalk and my foot immediately gave way on the icy concrete. That is the slipperiest, most treacherous walk that I have experienced in several years.

I turned to Sam and remarked, "No walk tonight." We walk down a hill to the street so the chance of me falling and getting injured are high. I have had a broken ankle on this hill, and a busted knee on a stairs at work, so it is a good night to stay in.

I put ice melt on the walk and put almost two gallons of salt-sand mixture on the hill. There is a sheen of ice covering the windows on the truck.

The key to survival is being adaptable. When conditions change without warning, especially for the worse, we must use caution and care to navigate a treacherous environment.

At times like this, one should follow one's hunches and take cover.

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