Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hawking The American Way

Anyone at all familiar with this blog site recognizes my hawking the cultural superiority of the American Way. I not only peddle this gold standard way of life to all Americans, but indeed for all the world. American exceptionalism is the gift we need to again give ourselves, and to export to the rest of the world. This is why I so fiercely resist implementation of shariah law in America. Why settle for groupist, cruel, medieval, theological totalitarianism to replace and supplant the best ever?

That is not to say that people should not be proud of, revel in and  advertise the merits of their native culture. Far from it, go ahead and enjoy it.

But context is everything. Just as the Roman Way 1800 years ago provided the broad, organizing culture and principle of living for all of the West, so too the American Way should straddle the global as a civil culture, an economic system, and as a political culture. All should assimilate to our culture and language for their own good.

Within that cultural basin, they may conduct their lives enjoying their local culture. This secondary level cultural interest and involvement would be best expressed by local peoples as individuators. The amazing contributions that they could make to the world culture, a high civilization, would astound and be rich and endless. So much they could teach the world as billions of individuators contributing to the American Way, the transcontinental culture, the world's overarching  value system.

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