Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What A Waste!

I saw a Facebook picture of young black college students, representing an all-black youth group, demanding free tuition, cheap housing and an anti-white college curriculum or they would resort to violence.

Notice how the want the white middle class to subsidize their free college experience, where they bash whites, their values and their traditions.

I think it is time to cut off the money to college and all liberal institutions. You want to hate us, spurn and insult us, okay pay your own way. If you turn to violence, we will arrest you and send you to jail. If America is so bad, relocate to Liberia and see how the other half lives, since it is so unbearable for you here.

 These poor kids have no clue how the world works, and how good they have it, and are blessed to live in a society built on white values--we hope they will assimilate in all ways.

What a waste of youth and talent when individuating would uplift all.

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