Monday, January 19, 2015

What Differnence Does It Make?

There is a Facebook article about Kevin Costner coming out of the Hollywood closet and admitting that he is a conservative, regarding race relations. The headline asks if it might cost him his career. My response and question is somewhat different: what difference does it make.

God orders us to be ourselves. We are to be people of conscience that do our duty, despite public expectations, despite demands for yielding to what we say and do based on heartfelt convictions.

The maverizer has to responsibilities: the first is to please God, and the second is to please himself. Third, he can please other people if his pleasing God and himself (doing and saying his duty) does not conflict with this lower priority.

Groupists that lack moral courage and run with the crowd: for them the third expectation is their first, and indeed their only priority: it is the path to submission, conformity, death and Lera. It reveals to us what they value and to whom they own their allegiance.

Pull a Costner: that is the right thing to do; let the chips fall where they may. When enough people elect the way of independence and liberty in thought and action, then the power of worldly sin held together through intimidation and political correctness, will wither away.

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