Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Negative Feedback

I would love to see the next generation of black Americans assimilate with white America, especially in terms of adopting wholesale, majority white middle class values. This transition would decimate the welfare state, much improve the lot of millions of blacks, deny the Democratic Party its most loyal base group, and help all Americans advance.

I am thought of as a racist and redneck for mo conservative views on race, but those that so smear me either are reverse racists, are liberals with their race-baiting and hate-filled agenda to maintain so they demonize conservatives with unorthodox views to protect their power bases of hopeless dependent blacks. Or they are deliberate liars distorting my uplifting, positive message.

In fact all people are created equal, and all are God's children. So, from my point of view, if I expect whites to individuate to make God happy, the same high standard of performance must be demanded of blacks.

To expect less from them because they are black is demeaning, racist and disrespectful. To respect them is to challenge them to be the best they can be, away from government subsidies, away from group living.

I may not know the subjective mystery of what it means to be black, because I am white. But I am an expert on identifying what each human can do and must do to lead a happy, brilliant, prosperous life and pleases God and aids humanity. I refuse to apologize from expecting from blacks what I expect from whites and myself. To settle for less, or a lower standard of behavior and performance based on race is disrespectful and demeaning.

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