Monday, January 26, 2015

Build Up Capitalism

Lobby hard for Americans and other people to adopt and protect a capitalist system of economics. A rising tide lifts all boats, and people need prosperity, jobs and wealth creation everywhere, and capitalism is the best system for facilitating this incomparable engine of economic growth.

Indirect moral and spiritual advantages would to redound to the rise of individualism and pursuit of self-interest. The latter motive and disposition is easily converted to an all-out passion for and preference for self-realizing, and that leads to the rise of a high culture of indivduators, the next moral and religious trend which will transform participants into living angels. What wonders we will create and behold in but a few years.

The for profit economic system will help us arrive there earlier, more efficiently and with longer lasting impact.

Believe in this system so much that you help trigger the coming, Mavellonialist, Golden Age.

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