Saturday, February 7, 2015

Profiles Offered

I believe that I could offer a personal people a profile of where they are at, and where they should be going. I would charge them $1,000 for the assessment.

It would neither flatter nor deprecate them. It would be as truthful and accurate as I could render it. In light of Mavellonialism, insight pouring into my soul constantly from the Good Spirits, and my expertise in the technology of individuating, I feel this assessment would be invaluable to assisting people in figuring out what and whom they are, and where they need to go to lead a good and useful, maverized life, all the time pleasing God and doing God's work.

Such an accurate and startling assessment would not be delivered without risk. Rather than inspire and liberate, such close personal encounter may enrage the target to reject me forever, to reject God, and to despise maverizing in all its forms and beauty, forever.

A negative reaction to such an assessment may lead to death threats against me, but I would take this in stride, because enraged listeners often overreact.

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