Sunday, December 3, 2017

Free Choice

God loves you, and God only wants your support and affection if  you sincerely mean it, and make the divine connection of your own free will. Yes, if you don't align yourself with God, God will punish you, but freely willed bad choices carry consequences on earth and in hell. That is divine justice earned and enforced. Nonetheless, God is merciful and forgiving, so, if you, try at all, you will get a pass, or early release from Purgatory for good behavior.

You must live right and come to truth, but you must do so  of your own volition. Truth, not embraced freely, is a truth clouded by the punishing intimidater inviting you to acknowledge the proffered truth, non-free shoving your face into the truthful plate of food handed to you, is a desecration of your divine and natural right to choose freely or not at all. That brutal, heavy-handed attack converts and  distorts the truth, rendering it a falsehood.

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