Sunday, December 3, 2017


One of the dilemmas that conservative public employees run into is being anti-big institution and anti-big government when the source of his livelihood at the enemy of his value set are one and the same entity.

Many middle class conservatives like snow plow drivers, janitors, teachers, maintenance technicians, paralegals work for the better paying employer in their area--a public employer-- even while they are for lower taxes, and limited government.

Liberals can accuse them of being traitors to their cause, or being hypocrites, but only each individual can decide for himself what he has to do to make a living, and if he can reconcile his conscience, despite inconsistencies between his principles and his selection of employer. He is honest, makes a real contribution, works hard and earns his money, so that if he is an ungrateful hypocrite, his offense is not very significant.

I have been a public employee 3 times so I am very familiar with reconciling my conscience as a conservative with being a public employee.

Ultimately, I chose to stay in private enterprise: it just seemed that, as outspoken as I am, being for small, limited government, decentralized institutions, strong individualism and unbridled capitalism, I could only square  my conscience with my blog entries, by leaving public service.

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