Saturday, December 1, 2018

Dennis On Toleration

Dennis asserts that toleration used to be tolerating those that live differentlly than us, and that is how it should be in a free society among civilized people. He criticizes the Left for redefining toleration to be synonymous with forced, universal celebration of that different way of living.

He rejects the command from the Left that we celebrate those we tolerate but disagree with. In an age of relativism where anything goes, and the only censure is against religious or conservative people that disapprove of the different way of living, and refuse to celebrate it as an moral or equal to  say drinking tea as a ritual at 4pm every afternoon in Bristol.

Our new Governor Tim Walz has made it a legislative priority to legalize smoking dope in Minnesota. My coworkers asked me how I feel about this, and they wonder why this is a leading priority for our state.

My response was that it is a gateway drug.  We are made in God's image and likeness, and poisoning our body with a hallucinogenic, mind-altering drug cannot be a good way to live. To indivduate and discover what is true, we need our minds clear, lucid, conscious and vibrant with tingly awareness.

Does pot add that to our consciousness? Our kids are nonindividuating, spoiled, listless, fatalistic, entitled slugs addicted to texting and peer relating. Will college kids high on dope everyday add to their languishing track records as the generation of future individuators to lead America forward to a higher civilization than ever known anywhere?

I will follow Dennis's sage advice and tolerate those that smoke dope legally soon here in Minnesota, but they will not be doing it in my house, or my truck, and they will have to survive as best they can. I refuse to celebrate another dangerous, immoral, harebrained obsession that the Left is making legal across the land.

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