Saturday, December 1, 2018

Diversity Reconsidered

The Left goes on and on about inclusion and diversity, but their is extremely exclusive and uniform: none that are individualist, think for themselves and love liberty are welcome or allowed.

Let me reconsider what a love of diversity really entails:
1. It signifies an appreciation, acceptance and allowance of a very wide range of opinions and diverse outlooks.
2. It signifies championing individual-living and individuating, so concomitantly, wonderful, unimaginative new art, thinking and inventions will bless humankind.
3. It signifies a radical love of and support for liberty.
4. It is linked to loving as God loves, and that emotional embrace enveloped billions of people.
5. It allows for the study of and support for the natural law of moderation, and living in accordance, with this divine command, guarantees about as much diversity as is possible.

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