Friday, December 7, 2018


Moderation is a natural law with many connections: it affect truth; absolute truth and absolute falsehood are rare, but highly probable truth and highly probable falsehood are common.

It affect knowing; absolute understanding and the attainment of objective truth is rare, but discerning knowledge and very objective truth is reachable.

It affect spirituality: Fate is purely good and purely evil once and at the same time, but God is almost pure goodness with a tincture of evil added in. Satan is almost pure evil with a smattering of goodness mixed in.

It affects existence: We are alive more than dead in this life biologically, but we are spirutally dead more than alive in this world, and that is inverted in the next world. Fate is utterly alive and utterly dead at the same time. God is life more than death all the time, and Satan is death more than life most of the time.

It affects morality. We are hating more than loving and Fate is pure love and pure hate simultaneously. God is mostly loving but does hate a little. Satan loathes most all, including Saself, but is a bit loving.

This are some fundamental ways that the natural law of moderation impact reality.

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