Saturday, December 1, 2018

Professors Are Ruining America

They are indoctrinating our young people with subversive, Marxist, un-American values that undercut the American Way of Life.

They do this by promoting their Leftist ideology and by turning every 18 year old into a cog in the university machine or hierarchy. Kids come out of high school as groupists, groupthinking, desperate to fit in and be popular, mindlessly conforming, will-less, gullible and easy and eager to be subdued, ordered about and told what to think.

The professors are educated specialists are too are educational bureaucrats, cogs, in their great educational institutions. Therefore, they are not individualists and individuators. As educational elites, they sold their souls to get their tenure-track jobs, and they live as bureaucrats, and they seek Marxism and Huge Government to rule all aspects of society and peoples' lives.

I have long realized that groupists are also cogs in the machines, the huge societal institutions, that rule society and erode personal liberty and say.

Professors hurt the young by their inculcation of Leftist ideology, and by converting the young into nonindividuators that will live their lives on the grid in various institutions, and who must be group-living to tolerate such poverty, slavery, totalitarian control and misery.

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