Sunday, December 9, 2018

Spontaenous Order And Natural Law

If spontaneous order in culture, economics and politics occur naturally as spontaneous, smooth, natural good relations and seamless functions and operations between and among people, without institutional direction, structure, rules and officials directing the traffic, commanding and controlling how people act, live, work and move about, and it appears to so unfold, then that spontaneous order arises out of natural law indirectly as a condition of liberty and order being harmonized in the inner persons of each individuator, and in the outer persons of each individuator interacting with other lawful anarchists.

We do not need self-righteous, power-hungry, patronizing authorities, groups, the police, institutions and courts to manage, guide and delimit the actions and reactions of the little, average people going about their daily lives.

This spontanous order in good societies and free societies is operated directly by the visible hand of of God and the Good Spirits, and indirectly by the invisible guidance and touch from the fingers of God and the Good Spirits.

In the world of Mavellonialist future possibilities, a society of individuators, anarchist and self-regulating, would operate freely for themselves and among each other as a spontanous order arose to guide and keep smooth the operation of their daily affairs and undertakings. These supercitizens would be part of God's army, and would make the civil society so free and uncoercive so as to be the foundation for building the coming high civilizations of the future.

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