Friday, February 22, 2019


Online I read today that, in the mainstream media, 92% of mainstream media coverage of Trump is negative. These journalists are not the classical, principled journalists: objective, honest, truthful, reporting without bias, doing careful research and having three genuine sources before accusing anyone of anything.

They are Leftists hacks and propagandists that promote and run cover for the Deep State, for Democrats, for liberals and Progressives. They have no morals of any kind. They will lie, cheat, smear, bully, shame character assassinate, destroying the lives of innocent, good citizens be they the deplorables that voted for Trump, independents of integrity or constitutional conservatives. They are fanatics and ideologues working to advance the cause of Ameritopia, and nothing can stand in the way of or mitigate their outrage against what they perceive to be hopelessly rotten traditional America that must be smashed into a thousand pieces.

They do not mind if the opposition accuses them of being sold out to, serving as mendacious, immoral, cover for and useful idiots (one day to be cast aside by their ungrateful masters once the Revolution occurs) their socialist handlers.

They have but a handful of objectives. They want a one party police state in America, run by a Communist dictator. They plot and campaign to destroy traditional America, all of its institutions, market economy, its customs, its liberty and its Constitution. All of that is to be stripped away, and be replace by a Latin America style authoritarian regime like Cuba.

They want collectivism, tyranny and socialism installed here by wiping out individualism, liberty and capitalism. They adhere to globalist ambition of opening our borders so that people can come in by the millions from anywhere, with the ultimate goal of one world socialist government run from Brussels or UN in New York.

Through their Green Deal and ecoterrorist policies against humans, they will set humankind back hundreds of years in a new Dark Age of pre-industrial darkness of want, disease, grinding poverty illiteracy and starvation, without modern medicine, luxury, affluence and convenience that now routinely ease living as an average American citizen.

They will attack the religious as their satan-worshiping comes into open prominence.

The mainstream media practice mind control on the nonindividuated, illogical, grouped, emotional, gullible masses still cowed by and believing at face value whatever is fed to them in print, on television or in social media.

The hour is late as individuating supercitizens, strong, smart, skeptical, logical, organized, yet principled and sophisticated, are too few in number to take control of independent media and the machinery of government to straighten things out, including sponsoring a free, fearless press once again.

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